Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions (China and Germany) Essay

Gerard Hendrik Hofstede (born October 2, 1928 in Haarlem) is a Dutch expert in cultural studies [GHW]. Hofstede (1980) surveyed 88,000 IBM employees working in 66 countries and then ranked the countries on different cultural dimensions. His research resulted in four dimensions (power distance; individualism versus collectivism; uncertainty avoidance; and masculinity and femininity). In the beginning, China was not included in this study but later Bond and Hofstede looked at Chinese values. From this research they included a fifth cultural value dimension called: long-term versus short-term orientation [SKR]. Power Distance Index (PDI) The Power Distance index shows how less powerful individuals accept and expect an unequal distribution of power. High power distance means that power is unevenly distributed; low power distance means that power is more evenly distributed [TIP]. According to Geert Hofstede’s 5 dimensions China is located in the higher ranking at 80. That means that this society â€Å"believes that inequalities amongst people are acceptable† [GER]. The Power is centralised and the management is autocratic. The subordinate-superior relationship tends to be cleaved and â€Å"there is no defence against power abuse by superiors† [GER]. This means that â€Å"people are less willing to challenge authority which is likely due to old communism beliefs which still have a strong influence on people’s behaviour† [SKR]. Managers expect subordinates to obey them. Subordinates automatically show respect and know that they have to earn their respect. They also expect to be told what to do. Therefore social interactions are formal. In general we can say that the Chinese are â€Å"optimistic about people’s capacity for leadership and initiative† [GER]. The general attitude of the Chinese is that you should not fulfil any duties beyond your rank [GER]. In class I have noticed that the status of the teacher has to be respected and privileges are expected. To listen to a different example: In China it is very common that the workers should come 15 minutes earlier to a meeting and the manager with the most power is always five to fifteen minutes later. That shows that the managers enjoy more privileges. I was able to observe that the compliance of  the hierarchy is maintained very strictly. Individualism versus Collectivism(IDV) This index shows the extent to which individuals are integrated into groups or not [TIP]. In societies with a high IDV index particularly individual rights are protected: self-determination, I experience and personal responsibility are important. In a collectivist culture with a low IDV-index contrast, the integration dominates in any kind of networks. The team spirit is much more characteristic of such a culture [GHW]. According to Geert Hofstede China is located in the lower ranking at 20. â€Å"In collectivist cultures such as China, people work together in groups and often put the needs of that group ahead of their own personal wants† [SKR]. They share responsibility. The Chinese who are doing business tend to stay with the same partners and suppliers to keep loyalty and not worsen relationships [SKR]. In China the community had always the priority. Tian xia wei gong said the ancients – under the sky everything serves the community. In the Confucian influenced social system everyone expects from the individual subordination, self-control and willingness to make sacrifices in order that the family and state can benefit from it. Individualism is a term which has always had a negative connotation in China, because people associated it with egoism. The Chinese prefer a holistic thinking. An example, if a Chinese writes his address down he will start with the country, then the city and the street and at the end his own name. The traditional Chinese medicine is a prime example for holistic thinking. Each disease is always seen in the context of the whole body. Collectivism promotes harmony. In China people focus on harmony and shun the direct confrontation. Harmony is achieved by giving â€Å"face† to others and avoiding losing your own â€Å"face†. When I talked to my Chinese friend â€Å"David Zhang† and asked him about his study he will begin in Germany, he told me that this was a family decision. Of course, it was his wish but without the consent of the family he could never study abroad. Even if he had the money for it he would not do so, because his family is much more important to him. Masculinity / Femininity(MAS) This MAS index shows the expression of the dominant values that are  established in both sexes. Hofstede ranks to the female values of care, cooperation and modesty. As masculine values ​​Hofstede defines competitive readiness and self-confidence. A high MAS index shows a dominance of â€Å"typically male† values, a low MAS index shows a dominance of â€Å"typically female† values [GHW]. ​​According to Geert Hofstede China is located in the higher ranking at 66. It is more a masculine society – a society which is success oriented. You can see it on the fact that many of the Chinese sacrifice their leisure time to work [SKR]. I have noticed that shops are open until very late at night. Officially, nowadays women enjoy the same rights as men in the workplace. The Communist Party in China has made efforts to put both genders on almost the same level. Anyway traditional Confucian thinking does not fit easily with this term of gender equality. It seems to be a bit ironic that the liberalisation policies of the last decade might have turned around many of the advances made by women under the prevalent conditions of the hard-line regimes. Through the traditional values it is the boys who have strong preferences. The men own most of the power and responsibility although there is a high level of acceptance between genders in China [SKR]. Unfortunately, women in executive positions enjoy a low appreciation. There are successful women in all fields, they are among the winners of the economic reforms, but also among the losers. If the economic situation in the factories is poor and staff is reduced, they are the first to be fired. If high school fees are too high, it is usually the daughter, who leave school and has to go to work [BUC]. Uncertainty avoidance(UAI) The UAI index shows a society’s tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity. Cultures with a high UAI, want to avoid the uncertainty and are characterized by many uncommitted laws, policies and security measures. Members are emotional and nervous. Cultures which are tolerant to accept uncertainty have a few rules that are changeable and thus tend to relativism. The members are phlegmatic and expect from their environment not to show feelings [GHW]. According to Geert Hofstede China has a low score of 30 on uncertainty avoidance. China has a high degree of acceptance of uncertainty. This society does not try to take control of the future, and therefore China’s society is not afraid of unforeseen situations [SKR]. The  Chinese consider written and oral arrangements sceptical. Contracts should be structured so that there is still the possibility to change the contract afterwards. The Chinese are very flexible. In case of conflict, a mentor is used, which takes care of the problems of both families instead of going to court. Uncertainty avoidance means for the Chinese first: What does my boss want? If he agrees with my ideas, then I can put it on. But I do not certainly know if he will like my ideas, I rather not ask him indeed I better wait for instructions. In this case, I can do no wrong, because the manager is responsible for all decisions, therefore the uncertainty is resolved. I could observe that the Chinese remain calm when unforeseen situations occur. They do not get upset about the situation. They can quickly accept the situation and adapt their surroundings. Long-term or short-term orientation(LTO) This LTO index â€Å"deals with the issue of virtue. Long-term cultures value thrift and perseverance; short-term cultures value tradition, the fulfilment of social obligations and protecting one’s ‘face’ or honour. A long-term orientation is associated with East Asian countries† [TIP]. According to Geert Hofstede China has a high score of 118. Hofstede analysed that China has the highest ranking of all countries in long-term orientation. It is 30% higher than the Asian average score. China is a country with a strong long-term orientation. It can be seen from the fact that China preferred a long-term development and indirect enforcement strategies [SKR]. According to the Chinese way of thinking it is not the shortest route that leads to the destination but the more difficult path. Therefore the Chinese can handle complex situations without a lot of stress neither they let push themselves through time. The key for the Chinese is to build up strong, reliable, lasting relationships. Before any decision is met there must be gained a certain amount of trust. Obviously this takes longer to finish a business deal. They do not like to rush into things [SKR]. Once you build up the trust and a strong relationship you can rely on it. This culture is marked by loyalty and respect. If you are willing to maintain this relationship you can trust your entire life on Guanxi. Comparison between China and Germany As you can see there are a few differences between Germany and China. In contrast to China the power is decentralised. The German culture is marked by a low power distance and the subordinates expect to be consulted as well as they expect to offer their ideas to the managers. Flashing back to my work experience I can say that I often had to take initiative. Often people are confronted with the adage: â€Å"think by yourself†. The other difference is that the management and subordinates respect each other and treat one another as equals. Usually it is as described, but there are of course exceptions. In most cases, however, I have had the experience that I had a good relationship to my boss. Compared to China, Germany has a highly individualistic society. Personal responsibility, independence, self-determination and I-experience are highly valued in Germany. A prolonged stay abroad is much respected. It shows that you can independently fulfil tasks. Companies wish to have workers with international experience due to growing globalization. That individualism counts, can also be seen in the fact that you put your name first when writing an address. This is totally different to China where you put the country at first as I have already mentioned. According to Hofstede Germany and China have the same MAS index. Mostly it is the men who hold the most of the power. I have noticed women get more and more acceptance in the man dominated business world. For example we now have a woman (Angelika Merkel) as chancellor and not a man. I can see more and more woman taking part in higher positions. Therefore I would rate Germany at 55 because there is no doubt about the increasing acceptance of women. Another example shows that a women’s quota should be introduced in Germany, which includes that at least 10% of women should sit in the top management. Furthermore Germany is a country full of bureaucracy. We have laws for almost everything, insurance companies are supposed to protect us and the institutions should regulate everything imaginable. We want to have everything controlled in order to control the future. Therefore we make contracts and then we act accordingly. This is totally different to the Chinese Culture where people like to keep the possibility to change things afterwards. The highest difference between China and Germany is the LTO index. Unlike China, Germany is more short-term oriented. Managers in Germany try to make high profits in no time. We put  truth and directness before diplomacy. Furthermore I have noticed that German employers are impatient because they want to get fast results. Criticism Unfortunately, I could not check if I would spread as much points as Hofstede because there was too less time to make an intensive investigation. However, I found out through discussions and research that Hofstede was pretty accurate with his assumptions. Furthermore, I want to mention a couple of criticisms of his study. The main point is listed by critics that the drawn samples were not representative. So in the original study(1967-1972 ) information were used from a global survey made by IBM. Thus, it is uncertain whether the system actually worked out measures of national cultures or rather differences in corporate culture between the countries. Furthermore, Hofstede’s approach ignores differences within a nation. The model treats a nation as a homogeneous state of individuals who all share the same value system. This is in most cases incorrect. In addition, criticism of the validity of the items was practiced [4]. Hofstede cites no theoretical justification for the selection of items. House and other people criticizes in particular the failure to distinguish between values ​​and behavior. This is problematic because negative values ​​and behavior are linked. Source Material: [TIP] Geert Hofstede, Culture’s Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviours, Institutions and Organisations across Nations (Place: Corwin Press, 2001). [GER] The Hofstede Centre: [SKR] Hofstede comparison of Germany and China:–Q6iME-w&bvm=bv.44442042,d.Yms [GHW] Geert Hofstede [BUC] Der China Knigge ; Yu-Chien Kuan, Petra Hà ¤ring-Kuan ; September 2006 ISBN: 978-3-596-16684-8 Persons I have talked to: David King (Banker / Chinese) David Zhang (Student / Chinese) Primel (Chinese Girl who studies German) Kim Lao (Chinese Business Man / employed by an American company) Lio (Student / Chinese)

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Management Evolution Essay

The evolution of management can be traced back to the start of the Industrial Revolution. â€Å"Management and leadership abilities were not thought of as learnable skills but derived from one’s heredity. There did not exist the need for a theory of management: leaders were born, not made. † (Montana & Charnov, 2008, p. 14). This belief ignored the need for a written theory of management and focused on the practice itself. As industrialization increased and spread, problems related to the factory system began to appear. Large numbers of workers were needed to keep up with the rapid economic expansion. Many of these workers were immigrant, unskilled, and non-English speaking. Managers did not know how to train these employees. This led to a scientific study of management and to what is today known as management theory. Classical School of Management The first management theory, Scientific Management, arose because of a need to increase worker efficiency and productivity. Emphasis of this approach was placed on the best way to get the most work accomplished. Focus was on examining the work process and developing the skills of the workforce. The classical school owes its origins to several contributors; including Frederick Taylor, Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, Henry Gantt, and Mary Parker Follet. Frederick Taylor is often referred to as the â€Å"father of scientific management†. He believed that organizations should study and gain an understanding of work and develop precise procedures to complete it. â€Å"Taylor believed that economic prosperity could only be achieved by maximal worker productivity, which in turn, would be the product of making workers more efficient† (Montana & Charnov, 2008, p. 5). By analyzing every job through scientific observations, he felt there was only one best way of doing a job. He believed managers should study each job and determine the minimum necessary steps needed to complete it. Individuals step would be analyzed to determine the most efficient way of performing it. Managers would then total the time of each individual task to determine the optimum amount of time necessary to complete the entire task. Workers would then follow the precise instructions of management. If tasks were not completed in the optimal amount of given, workers were removed from the job. He believed this system gave managers power over workers. Workers could no longer resist management demands. Managers possessed the knowledge and workers performed their detailed steps. Frank and Lillian Gilbreth were a husband and wife team that studied job motions. â€Å"The Gilbreths are considered pioneers in making use of motion studies to improve worker efficiency† (Montana & Charnov, 2008, p. 16). Frank analyzed worker actions to determine the best possible method of performing a given job. When he understood all the motions, he would seek to improve the efficiency of each action and reduce the number of motions required to accomplish the job–a process called job simplification† (Montana & Charnov, 2008, p. 16). Managers would then select, train, and develop workers with devised procedures. Lillian extended this theory into the home in an effort to determine the ideal way to complete household tasks. Henry Gantt developed the Gantt chart; a work scheduling chart that measures planned and completed work along throughout each stage of completion. The Gantt chart is a powerful planning and evaluation tool used by managers. He believed inefficiency was a result of management unrealistic production standards. According to Gantt, â€Å"work standards should be determined by scientific observation and measurement, and only then may realistic work standards be set† (Montana & Charnov, 2008, p. 17). Gantt also believed that workers should be rewarded for good work through a bonus system. He felt that workers would be more productive and achieve higher levels of production if there was an incentive. To motivate workers to go beyond the daily production quotas, he pioneered the use of a production bonus (Montana & Charnov, 2008, p. 18). Gantt also focused on the importance of quality leadership and management skills and their relationship to building effective industrial organizations. Mary Parker Follet is often referred to as the â€Å"mother of conflict resolution†. â€Å"Her research and writings pointed to a collaborative approach to problem solving that advocated compromise† (Montana & Charnov, 2008, p. 17). Follet focused on the importance of establishing and developing common goals within the workplace. She believed workers should be allowed to participate in the decision making process. She believed workers could and would comply and follow management’s logical requests without being given too many orders; workers should not be micromanaged. â€Å"The classical approach to management theory had asserted that the key to worker efficiency and organizational productivity was efficient job design, use of appropriate incentives, and effective managerial functioning† (Montana & Charnov, 2008, p. 23). This approach emphasized the work elements and eliminated the human dimensions. Behavioral School of Management The behavioral approach stresses that effective management will come from an understanding of the worker† (Montana & Charnov, 2008, p. 23). Emphasis of this approach is based on the belief that every human being has social and physiological needs which affect performance and motivation. Focus was on improving the self-esteem and self-confidence of the workforce. Contributors to the behavioral school include Elton Mayo, Chester Barnard, and Douglas McGregor. Elton Mayo was the founder of the human relations movement. â€Å"Mayo concluded that factors other than the physical aspects of work had the power of improving production. These factors related to the interrelationships between workers and individual psychology† (Montana & Charnov, 2008, p. 25). Mayo believed that if workers were treated with respect and their needs were being met, they would be more productive and their work would be more efficient; therefore both the employee and management would benefit. Mayo is known for his work conducted at the Western Electric Company in Chicago; known as the Hawthorne Experiments. He was able to prove that the relationship that employees have with management directly affects productivity. He concluded that management needed to be more directly involved with employees. Chester Barnard developed the acceptance theory of management, which focuses managerial authority. He believed that employees themselves determined if managerial order is legitimate and acceptable. He felt that in order for employees to accept that managers have legitimate authority to act, they must first understand the communication they receive from management. Employees must also feel that the communication that is received is consistent with the organization’s purpose. Bernard believed that managers needed to share a common purpose and express a willingness to cooperate with the employees. â€Å"Douglas McGregor, in distinguishing between the pessimistic Theory X view of employees and the optimistic Theory Y, had a dramatic impact on management theory and practice† (Montana & Charnov, 2008, p. 27). Theory X which characterized the views of Taylor is based on the assumption that the average human being dislikes work and that because of this dislike they must be threatened and controlled before they will work. Theory X also assumes that the average person desires security and prefers being directed. Average people dislike responsibility and have little ambition. Theory Y which characterized the views of Mayo is based on the assumption that if a job is satisfying and the working conditions are good, then the worker will be committed to the organization. Theory Y also assumes that if the average worker is committed, then they will not only accept, but seek responsibility. McGregor believed that managers should operate with the belief that workers will contribute more to an organization if they feel valued and are treated responsibly. The behavioral approach to management theory focused on the workforce and their needs; the human element of the organization. This approach emphasized work as a group activity and aimed at increasing work productivity through collaboration. Production Operations Management (POM) Approach The Production Operation Management Approach to management was developed in response to increasingly difficult operational problems and a rapidly changing environment. The concepts of the POM Approach were based on the belief that the scientific method was the solution to problem solving. Herbert Simon was a major contributor to the POM Approach. â€Å"Herbert Simon is best known for his research in decision-making and information processing but also made contributions to cognitive psychology, computer science, public administration, philosophy of science, and artificial intelligence† (Montana & Charnov, 2008, p. 29). Simon coined the term satisficing which was based on the belief that executives rarely had access to perfect information. They were more apt to accept data acquired early in a search and seek solutions or accept choices that are deemed good enough for their purposes. He believed that seeking the maximal solution or result expended resources. â€Å"Production operations management stresses a systems approach that views the total operating system and analyzes a problem within that system. The problem is seen to exist as it relates to the total system, and any proposed solution is evaluated as it relates to the same system† (Montana & Charnov, 2008, p. 30). The POM approach focused more on production and less on the human factor. Contingency Approach The contingency approach to management is the most recent school of thought about management. It combines the ideas of the other three approaches and states that there is no one universal set of management principles or one best way by which to manage an organization. This approach is based on the belief that to effective, planning, organizing, leading and controlling must be contingent on the circumstances in which an organization operates. Different problems require different solutions. â€Å"This approach arose out of the observation that the three earlier approaches to management–the classical, the behavioral, and productions operations research–did not always lead to an acceptable solution† (Montana & Charnov, 2008, p. 1). The contingency approach applies to all areas of management, not just organizing and leading. This approach takes into consideration both the internal and external environments of the organization. Conclusion â€Å"The foundations of the various approaches to schools of management theory are found in a variety of disciplines, incl uding economics, psychology, sociology, mathematics, philosophy, and industrial engineering. But management theory, even though it makes use of other scholarly areas and the observations of the practicing manager, has emerged as a separate area of study since the 1940’s† (Montana & Charnov, 2008, p. 4). The thoughts and ideas of the classical school have been analyzed and developed over the years; however the basic concepts are still in practice today. Relation to Work Environment I believe that the contingency approach to management is the most effective. The classical, the behavioral, and productions operations research approaches all are based on a universal approach, one best way, of management that applies the same techniques to every organization. As a manager I have come to realize that not all people and every situation should be handled identically. I believe managerial decisions and actions are contingent upon a given situation. Managerial styles and techniques must vary according to the circumstances of the situation. To be effective, managers must determine which factors are relevant in what situation. I believe the most important aspect of the contingency theory is that it accounts for the human factor. As the Dining Services Director at Miles Community College, I am required to make daily decisions concerning both my department and the organization as a whole. I believe that to be an effective manager it is necessary to evaluate each and every situation to come up with the appropriate decisions and actions. I understand that each and every situation is unique and requires a situational analysis. I also believe that every decision I make affects the organization therefore my decisions are based on the goals and values of the organization as a whole. I believe that the contingency theory best fits my management style.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Critical review of paper+ powerpoint slides Literature

Critical of paper+ powerpoint slides - Literature review Example The research addressed factors that what would make someone a good pharmacist and shared work situations that would made them uncomfortable ,or where pharmacist have to make compromises with regards to laws and make hard choices through professional judgement and decision making skills. The aim is to analyse pharmacy values across the profession . The a sample technique was adopted. It included 38 participants including 18 community pharmacists, 10 hospitals and 10 others (containing primary care trusts, senior management positions and academia). The pharmacists were chosen from variety of geographical locations, different ages, gender, experiences, employment statuses and ethnicities. The participants were selected via a snowballing process. It begin with contacts of the project team and was taken forward through referrals both from participants and associated institutional gatekeepers. The interviews were recorded and transcribed. The principles of grounded theory informed the analytical process. The analytical process involved the summarising , categorising and linking of significant collection of data (open coding) which was then merged into larger sets (axial codes). A process was run of constant comparision was used within and across interviews and both open and axial codes were revised frequently. The paper presented data analysis followed by a discussion of.steps that were taken to ensure the validity and reliability of the work. The first nine transcripts were read and analysed by all the authors. Emerging analysis was presented to the pharmacy audience and feedback was taken to rives. The data was corrected and refined according to analytical categories. To understand the values of pharmacy practitioners it is important for the data to come directly or indirectly from the pharmacists. The method used is a purposive sampling so that the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Assignment # 7 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

# 7 - Assignment Example b) The amount of profit generated by the company per dollar of sales: Net profit margin. It is profitability ratio. A company should have higher value for the ratio because it indicates high profitability. c) This ratio gives a measure of the number of days it takes a company to collect on sales that it sells on credit: Days sales outstanding. Efficiency/Asset Utilization ratio. A lower value for the ratio is favourable as a company collects cash faster from customers, it has good collection procedures. d) This ratio is used to determine how easily a company can pay interest expenses on outstanding debt: Times interest earned. It is a leverage ratio. A higher value for the ratio is favourable; the company has more cover for finance costs hence low business risk. e) This ratio specifies the number of days it takes for the company’s inventory to be converted to sales, either as cash or accounts receivable: Days in inventory. Efficiency/Asset Utilization ratio. A lower value for the ratio is more favourable as the company is converting its inventories into cash faster; hence the inventory is more liquid. f) This ratio indicates how profitable a company is over on accounting period (typically 12 months) without regard to how it is financed: Return on assets. Profitability ratio. A higher value for the ratio is required because it indicates that the company is more profitable. g) A ratio that further refines the liquidity by measuring the amount of the most liquid current assets there are to cover current liabilities: Acid test ratio. It is a liquidity ratio. A company should have higher value for the ratio to be able to meet its short term obligations with lots of ease. h) This ratio compares the amount of interest-bearing debt in a company’s capital structure to its total assets: Debt-to-total asset ratio (leverage ratio). A lower value for the ratio is required because it indicates less leverage and less risk. i) This ratio is a measure of

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Evidence base practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Evidence base practice - Essay Example Thus, it is fundamental to explore the fundamental aspects of Evidence Based Practice (EBP) to determine its contribution to the provision of quality care. The scope The handout highlights essential elements that ensure stakeholders and various policy makers obtain credible information on Evidence Based Practice (EBP). The purpose of the study is highlighted so are the target population, objectives, critiques on the varied methods and major recommendations. The handout also covers the potential barriers to achieving effective Evidence based practice (EBP) in health institutions. These are vital in ensuring the provision of exemplary clinical services to patients. Purpose and target population The handout provides stakeholders in the health sector with information on the essentiality of Evidence Based Practice (EBP). The application of the practice is currently gaining momentum. This is because of its relevant in ensuring the provision of health services. The approach enhances the qua lity of clinical services provided by health officials (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2011). It is significant to note that clinical activities are crucial; thus, require proper execution by qualified professionals to avert any possible complication. The approach focuses on the integration of appropriate clinical equipments in institutions, hiring of highly qualified personnel, training staff and promoting the delivery of valuable services to patients. The target population includes students, patients, health professionals and customers (Melnyk, & Fineout-Overholt, 2011). It also allows stakeholder to identify their role in enhancing excellent delivery of health services. The stakeholders would understand that this process requires proper coordination and understanding. This will enable the stakeholders to undertake health activities based on the ethical guidelines. Objectives and questions I. To establish the imperativeness of Evidence Based Practice (EBP) in the delivery of clinical services II. To investigate the role of nursing officials in ensuring absolute adoption of Evidence based practice (EBP) III. To establish the critical steps that lead to effective implementation of Evidence based practice (EBP) IV. To ascertain whether Evidence based practice (EBP) facilitates value addition in service delivery to clients Questions I. What is the usefulness of Evidence Based Practice (EBP) in the delivery of clinical services? II. What is the role of nursing officials in ensuring absolute adoption of Evidence based practice (EBP)? III. What are the critical steps that lead to effective implementation of Evidence based practice (EBP)? IV. Does Evidence Based Practice (EBP) facilitate value addition in service delivery to clients? Professions represented in the document The medical professionals represented in the document are nurses and individuals from diverse medical background, for example, clinical officers, doctors and diagnosticians. These professionals have t he capacity to implement the process (Melnyk & Morrison-Beedy, 2012). Additionally, diagnosticians are represented because they perform medical assessment that requires proper assessment and evidence procedures. This allows the identification of a patient’s health complications accurately. The target population has been chosen due to their relevance. Furthermore, health professio

Submit a brief profile of the organization and the leader For your Coursework

Submit a brief profile of the organization and the leader For your Final Research Paper - Coursework Example Autocratic leadership style generally provides for â€Å"managers to make decisions alone without the input of others† (Johnson, 2012). It has been argued that on the surface, no leadership style may be generally judged as effective or ineffective unless the situation to which it was applied has been tested (Saunders et al, 2003). To this end, a number critical ways in which the autocratic leadership style has been applied in the given organization are enumerated below with a conclusion on how effective or ineffective this leadership style has become in the organization. Largely, the autocratic leadership style is exhibited in character and with qualities which include the fact that major decisions on the day to day running of the organization are taken at the management level alone. In most cases, workers and employees take specific instructions as to how each day of the week is going to proceed in terms of activities and working roles. Issues of reshuffling at portfolios, recruitment and promotions are also done at the management level without the input of other subordinate workers and employees. Because this leadership style is commonly perceived by followers as rigid and undemocratic to the growth of their knowledge and skill (Gray-Toft, and Anderson, 2008), they often wish to meet it with stiff opposition. However, the leader has adapted a rigid approach whereby it is almost impossible to contact the management with one’s suggestions for change. The leader has also adapted a system of motivation that considers only people who adhere to i nstructions for rewards and promotions. This has been a motivational tool that the leader employs to ensure that his orders are adhered to. To a very large extent, it can be concluded that even though the leadership style used by the leader has often succeeded in getting the motives and directions of the leader established at the work place, it has often

Friday, July 26, 2019

Operational Policies and Procedures for HIE Research Paper

Operational Policies and Procedures for HIE - Research Paper Example Conversely, the HIE possesses a structure as well as a syntax of electronic communications that provide standard ways of conveying and delivering information. Hence, the message-based where information is given as a message as well as document-based systems that involve sending information as a structured document/forms. To mention a few of the standards are the Accredited Standard Committee X12 (ASC X12) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) (Public Health Data Standards Consortium, 2015). The Health Information Exchange policies involve the lines of arguments that tend to rationalize the courses  of  action towards the management of Health Institutes (AHIMA, 2011). Thus, various plans have been put up by the Medicare agencies and practitioners to oversee that patients’ information are safe and showing support through federal funding for the HIEs. Therefore, Medicare HIE policies can consider the access controls, accounting for disclosures, authorization procedures, as well as consumer education, data integrity and quality among other policies. Thus, under access controls, the Medicare institutions should determine those individuals that require access to the information that are shared within the HIEs as well as establishing the policies and procedures used for managing authentications and auditing. Subsequently, the HIEs should consider reviewing their business associate agreements, language and signatories in addition to their methods for managing sensitive records and patients. By doing so, they ensure access control, as well as functionality of the systems, are stable (AHIMA, 2011). Patient authorization, as well as consent, poses a challenge to most HIEs (Sewell & Thede, 2013). Therefore, it would be of significance for the HIEs to consider their accountability towards disclosures. Thus, this will tend to look into patient/customer requests pertaining their PHIs. Hence, this is achievable in

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Film - Essay Example The developers blend the diverse features of the film effectively thereby creating a cohesive film that communicates effectively through editing. City of God is an example of a film that portrays the power of editing among other film development techniques in creating films. Editing provides an effective way for the developers of the film to infuse diversity yet achieve a degree of both cohesion and coherence in the film as the discussion below portrays. Editing refers to the process of eliminating errors. However, the definition is broader in the development of films than it is in literature. In film development, editing does not only eliminate errors but also provides the developers of the film with an opportunity to add specific features that would enhance the connection of the various scenes thereby creating a cohesive and coherent plot capable of communicating specific themes. A number of scenes in the film are studio creations while others are shot on location. The fusion between the two creates perfect blend that tells a cohesive story, one that armatures cannot tell the differences in the locations. The director of the film employed professional editors who portray their editing genius as they add effects among other editing elements to achieve the cohesive film that communicates effectively. Editing plays an integral role in the creation of the film. Such features and elements as lighting, camera shots, camera angles, music and graphics among many others help add diversity in a film. In employing such, film developers must observe such basic concepts as balance and harmony in order to create a cohesive film. The same is the case in the film, City of God. While some scenes in the film were shot from locations, others are studio creations. Creating scenes in the studio requires appropriate editing techniques in order to balance the various features. In

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Global Technology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Global Technology - Research Paper Example I only have to focus on what I can do as a healthcare professional in my level and try to find out how this can be scaled up to macro levels. I realized that I have to be perceptive of my work and the conditions of my patients. For instance, when working with pregnant women, I also have to examine what their problems are that deter them from getting adequate health care. Some patients have problems with having regular check-ups, because their transportation system is as bad as Bihars. And if there is a scarcity of healthcare personnel, few of them can conduct monthly check-ups in scattered communities. My suggestion is that the government should train local women to be midwives, so that the latter can provide some form of regular check-ups for pregnant women. This solution will not only improve healthcare among communities, but also address the employment needs of many impoverished women. In addition, this midwifery training framework can also be applied in similar cases, so that solutions at the micro level can be raised to global levels

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

English Literature Theme Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

English Literature Theme - Essay Example Moreover, his personal circumstances did not afford him university terms. Consequently, most of what he had learned he had had to teach himself. However, it was through his education, both formal and informal, that he was able to rise in life. From being taken out of school because his father could not pay for it, to being courted to take trips across the pond to conduct lectures, speeches and readings, his was a case of remarkable social elevation through letters. Possibly for this reason, education is often found in Dickens’s writings, as he was a firm believer in the ability of proper education to improve lives and â€Å"as a way to avoid social catastrophe† (Schlicke, 1999: 442). In his novel Our Mutual Friend, one can clearly see this association between Dickens and education through the characters of Charley and Lizzie Hexam as they each are profoundly affected by their experience or inexperience with ‘proper’ education. In his portrayal of education in Our Mutual Friend, Dickens describes a prevalent example of a school of his times, to which the poorer classes of society were obliged to send their children. This can be seen in the scathing words he utilises in Chapter 1 â€Å"Of an Educational Character† in Book the Second : The school at which young Charley Hexam had first learned from a book – the streets being, for pupils of his degree, the great Preparatory Establishment in which very much that is never unlearned is learned without and before book – was a miserable loft in an unsavoury yard. Its atmosphere was oppressive and disagreeable; it was crowded, noisy, and confusing; half the pupils dropped asleep, or fell into a state of waking stupefaction; the other half kept them in either condition by maintaining a monotonous droning noise, as if they were performing, out of time and tune, on a ruder sort of bagpipe. The teachers, animated solely by good intentions, had no

Monday, July 22, 2019

Evolution of Gender Essay Example for Free

Evolution of Gender Essay The evolution of gender issues ever since man can remember, when most societies used to regard women as inferior to men. It is no secret that from the first century up to the 21st century women roles have changed with time although the change is minimal. In not long time ago, women were regarded by customary law as people who used to take up their roles as wives and matters subserviently and any deviation that a woman showed from these roles was unheard off and was considered an outcast in the society. After the world wars, education, politics, warfare, business and other form of violence were territories of men, a few women joined men in these venture. The society looked these women with amazement and wonder. Early the 1950’s and 60’s change started hitting the world especially in the Chinese environment where women became advocates of women empowerment. (Haslanger, Sally, and Nancy Tuana,2004). In the 1970’s and 80’s women started taking their roles seriously enabling them to evolve very fast. Women confronted men’s duties with a lot of courage and men started accepting the fact that women wanted to carry out the roles. Although some men gave women cruel attention but they have persevered and gone ahead with the quest for change in the roles. Haslanger, Sally, and Nancy (Tuana Haslanger, Sally, and Nancy Tuana,2004). The question about women regarded as wives and mothers who are incapable of bringing any change in the society have been brushed aside by many countries giving women top most jobs in the country. England and Pakistan have shown the way which shows that today in England and Pakistan women are almost equal to men in terms of respect and all aspects. Women are now free to take up riles which were previously considered a dominance by men. But one thing remains clear that total equality will not be achieved since it is not easy to kill the illusion that women are inferior to men (KateChopin. org. ,2008) Matters such as education, politics, warfare, business, and almost anything non-domestic were the territories of men where only a few and daring women ever ventured. However, as times changed more and more women became advocates of women empowerment. In relation to this, the writer wishes to state that the purpose of this paper is to present a work regarded as one of the pioneers in feminist literature. Women evolution is not only a core element of development in the world today but also a strong indication of strong families. Women empowerment puts wealth in the hands of women which enables these women to be able to succeed in ensuring their families are successive. The development of women in the societies is proving to be failing in some countries with backward leadership such as Zimbabwe and development will remain lagged behind. Statistics show an upward trend for change of roles of women in the society at a whole. Although change is not such effective it is felt. Statistics demonstrate that in Europe, Africa, Asia, America actually there is evolution in the way women are viewed. Although in some rural areas there are alarming number of domestic violence instances reported and they relate to ability or the demand for women to be empowered. In the late 1800 significant events occurred which changed the roles of women in the society. One of such event was first international women’s conference which was held in France in 1892 which highlighted the achievements of women and their rights. Since then women have achieved much in trying to change their lives. In the story of Silk Road of china relating to women capability of growth there has been change of women roles especially entry into the business world although some are being used into the business circles as objects. (,2008 and Haslanger, Sally, and Nancy Tuana,2004) Works Cited Chopin, Kate. The Story of an Hour. www. pbs. org Public Broadcasting Service. 14 Jun 2008 http://www. pbs. org/katechopin/library/storyofanhour. html. Haslanger, Sally, and Nancy Tuana. Topics in Feminism. plato. stanford. edu 15 March 2004. Stanford University. 14 Jun 2008 http://plato. stanford. edu/entries/feminism-topics/. KateChopin. org, Kate Chopin The Story of an Hour. www. katechopin. org. 2008. Kate Chopin International Society. 14 Jun 2008 http://www. katechopin. org/the-story-of-an-hour. shtml.

Absorption of Nuclear Radiation Essay Example for Free

Absorption of Nuclear Radiation Essay The purpose of this experiment was to determine the mass thickness attenuation factor for beta rays when they pass through polyethylene sheets of varying thicknesses. This was done by using an apparatus that measured the seven different intensities and then taking these values, putting them through a number of calculations and finally generating a graph of ln(I_corr) versus the thickness of the polyethylene sheets. Once this graph was created, it was possible to apply a linear fit and using that, it was possible to determine the slope of the line. The slope was then used to calculate the mass thickness attenuation factor which ended up being (0.197m  ± 0.008) g/cm2. This value was then compared to the theoretical value of 0.2 g/cm2 through a percent difference computation. The percent difference was found to be a mere 1 percent which allowed for the conclusion that the results were very accurate. This was further supported by the graph that was generated because it showed the trend that was expected to be seen. Overall, the experiment was quite successful with only one minor, possible source of error and that being a slight misreading of the intensity apparatus which would explain the 1 percent difference. Objectives: In this experiment there were a couple different objectives. The first objective was to gain an understanding of mass thickness attenuation through an investigation using beta rays and polyethylene sheets of different thicknesses. The second objective was to gain practice with new and unfamiliar laboratory instruments. Experimental Procedure: For this experiment, there were multiple parts to the procedure. The first part was to find the voltage at which the specific G-M counter operates. This was done by first setting the timer to auto and placing the beta tray in the G-M tube. Next, the counter set up was powered on, reset, and started by pushing the button labeled â€Å"count.† The voltage was increased in small increments until the unit began to continue to increase on its own. Once this occurred, it meant that the threshold voltage had been determined. After this, 75 volts was added to the threshold voltage and the machine remained at this level for the rest of the experiment. The next part of the procedure was to determine the background radiation that was present within the environment. This was done by simply turning on the counter, at the previously determined voltage, and taking a ten minute measurement. Once this was completed it was possible to determine what radiation was coming from the samples and what was just coming from the environment. The relative error for the intensity number found during this part of the procedure was then calculated and both values were recorded. The next part of the procedure was performed to discover the mass thickness attenuation coefficient of beta rays through polyethylene sheets of varying thickness. This was done by placing the beta source in the second level of the counter, placing the polyethylene sheet in the unit also, turning on the counter, and taking a one minute reading. This same procedure was repeated 6 more times, with 6 other polyethylene sheets of varying thicknesses. Each count for all seven polyethylene sheets was recorded, along with the varying thicknesses of the sheets, and both values were used in the final calculations. Experimental Results: The plot that was generated from the results can be found on attachment one. The calculations to come to these results can be found on attachment two. Data Analysis and Discussion: In this experiment an apparatus was used to observe the way the mass thickness attenuation factor changed when multiple polyethylene sheets of a variety of thicknesses were used. The apparatus that was used, measured the intensity of the radiation in a unit know as counts. Because it is not possible to completely exclude the background noise that is naturally occurring in the environment, it was necessary to take this into account when performing the calculations. For each polyethylene sheet that was used (of which there were seven), the I_corr was calculated. This was done by taking the intensity value given by the apparatus, subtracting the background noise value that was found previously, and then dividing by ten. Once all of these values were calculated, they were then used to find the natural log of I_corr, which ended up being the y value on the graph. After generating the ln(I_corr) versus thickness graph, a linear fit was applied. It was from the information provided by the linear fit that allowed comparisons to be made between the theoretical and experimental values. The slope of the linear fit was used to calculate the experimental mass attenuation factor and its error which was found to be (0.197m  ± 0.01) g/cm2. This value was then compared to the theoretical value of 0.2 g/cm2 through the percent difference equation. The percent difference was found to be 1.35%. The most probably source of error that caused this percent difference is a slight misreading by the apparatus used to measure intensity. In order to have decreased the possibility of this happening, the unit should have been tested beforehand to ensure that it was working at its full potential. Because the percent difference is so small, however, it can be concluded that not only are the experimental results precise, but that they are also very accurate and can be accepted as the mass attenuation factor. This is also supported by the graph. The value for intensity seen on the graph decreases in an almost linear fashion, as the thickness of the polyethylene sheets increased as was expected. This indicated that as the polyethylene sheets increased in thickness, the intensity of radiation decreased, suggesting that more beta rays were being absorbed. Conclusion: Overall, the objectives of the experiment were accomplished. Not only was mass thickness attenuation looked at in great detail throughout the experiment, but it was also investigated further after the fact through comparison of the theoretical and experimental values. According to the results, the beta rays scatter and absorb at a mass thickness attenuation factor of (0.197m +/- 0.01) g/cm2. When this value was compared to the theoretical value of 0.2 g/cm2, it was concluded that indeed it was accurate because it had a percent difference of a mere 1 percent. Furthermore, this percentage could be explained by a simple misreading of the unit used to find the intensity values. Had the unit not made any slight misreading, the percent difference would have been even smaller and the experiment would have been even more successful.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Gender Bias In Education Education Essay

Gender Bias In Education Education Essay At the heart of the gender bias conundrum are questions of male marginalization, stereotypes and gender identity and female subordination. These concepts will be explored throughout this paper as the basis for gender dialogue. At one of the spectrum is a gendered curricula and at the other end teaching. Studies on gender in the Caribbean has focused largely on issues surrounding gender differential curricula and access(on students more than teachers)This paper focuses is an attempt at both sides. Gender can be defined as set of behaviours, roles and positions which can be socially and culturally attributed to men and women. Gender is constantly shaped through social and cultural experiences which are expressed through the attitudes, value and behavioural characteristic of interpersonal intereaction.(2002, Leo-Rhynie and Pencle). The gender process is a difficult one which commences at birth and is continuously reinforced throughout life. The idiosyncracies demonstrated by gendered groups in society has implications for the identities adolescents develop and to a large extent determine the careers and lifestyles chosen. Gender bias implies some form of preference, inclination and prejudice for one sex over another. Education (that is access, enrolment, participation, performance and achievement) emerges as the arena in which both academic analyses and popular perception locate male marginalization.(2003,Barriteau, p.326). Feminist theorists like Sadker (1994) believe that whilst girls and boys sit in the same classrooms, using the same books, listening to the same teacher, they receive different education. In fact, upon entering school, girls perform equal to or better than boys on nearly every measure of achievement, but by the time they graduate high school or college, they have fallen behind. (Sadker, 1994) However, discrepancies between the performance of girls and the performance of boys in elementary education leads some critics to argue that boys are being neglected within the education system: It is no wonder Errrol Miller posited his maginalization thesis indicating the biases that existed in education and gender socialization However, if it is that males are marginalzed leading to fewer graduates from secondary and tertiary institutions;how is it possible that they are the ones selected for executive positions?Central to this discourse is the concern that men are missing from the higher echelons of the family, classroom and laborforce.(2006, Lindsay). Schools serve as an important agent of socialization in society. There are gendered rules and regulations that are reinforced in schools.Teachers play a pivotal role in accepting behavior that are socially appropriate and rejecting the inappropriate ones. Their roles serveas models in creating gender identity. In a study of British schools (1988,Mahoney) noted that giles had already started practicing their secretarial role for their male counterparts, as they were expected by the boys to provide eraser, ruler and writing materials. In one classroom a boy left his seat and walked across the room to have his bandage fixed by a girl. This provided practice for boys to dominate and the girls to find strategies of resistence. Pencle(1994) observed the sexual division of labour in one jamaican classroom where girls were assigned indoor duties of sweeping and dusting while boys ran errands outside and lifted furniture. From an early age gender stereotypes were instituted in childrens lives by the various agents of socialization(church, family and school responsible for educating boys and girls. Literature is another area where the reinforcement of stereotpical views are orchestrated and administered. According to Pencle Leo-Rhynie (2003), textbooks à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦provides an inaccurate view of society to young people, a view which devalues the role of women.(p.204).They further cited research done by King and Morrisey(1988) whose examination of contemporary text history, geography and social studies utilized by teachers and students in preparation of the Caribbean Council Examinations(CXC); concluded that these books reinforced conventional societal views of patriarchy and male domination. The language in the books did not include women and exhibited them as playing passive, subordinate and menial roles. Additionally, Whitely(1994) ananlysed Integrated science books used in lower grades of Jamaican schools. He discovered that considerable male bias in these texts and questioned the influence it had on girls choice of studying science. Pencle and Leo-Rhynie asserted that the programmes pursued by girls reveal and obvious attraction to the helping professions such as teaching and nursing. Education has been considered as the key vechicle of mobility and social change in the Caribbean. Thus, education is a tool of persuausion and has been instrumental in gender role socialization and thus gender identity. Teachers have played an enormous role in the process so much so that the historiography over the last 30 years have given much attention to what is coined as the feminization of the teaching profession (Downes, 2003, p.303). Errol Millers Marginalisation of the Black Male and later Men At Risk was an empirical analysis of schools teachers in Jamaica in the period 1837 to 1990. Millers underlying thesis is that men have a right to the resources of the state and society over and above women. Many theorist have labeled Millers thesis as flawed as male marginality has stemmed from gender biased methodology rather than from reality. Lindsay, 1997). She believes that the marginalization thesis is a reinforce of the age old patriarchal mandate that women are a inferior and l esser being. Barritean(2003, p350) ciites Chevannes, whose work on coeducation and performance contradict many of Millers assertions of male performance, underachievement and education. Chevannes conclude that there are biases operating in the selection of certain subjects as opposed to others, and there is no evidence to suggest that girls routinely out perform boys, but ample evidence of gender performance both ways in specific subject areas. At very early ages, girls begin defining their femininities in relation to boys. One study of a third grade classroom examined four self-sorted groups of girls within the classroom: the nice girls, the girlies, the spice girls and the tomboys. Through interviews researcher Diane Reay found that nice girls was considered a derogatory term indicating, an absence of toughness and attitude. (Reay, 2001) Furthermore, the girlies were a group of girls who focused their time on flirting with and writing love letters to boys, the tomboys were girls who played sports with the boys, and the spice girls espoused girl-power and played rate-the-boy on the playground. Reays research shows that each of the groups of girls defined their own femininities in relation to boys. (2001) The Reay study further demonstrates how socialization of girls occurs at the school level by tolerating different behaviors from boys than from girls. Assertive behavior from girls is often seen as disruptive and may be viewed more negatively by adults. In Reays study, the fact that the spice girls asserted themselves in ways contrary to traditional femininity caused them to be labeled by teachers as real bitches. (2001) This reinforces the notion that girls misbehavior to be looked upon as a character defect, whilst boys misbehavior is viewed as a desire to assert themselves. (Reay, 2001) Clearly the socialization of gender is reinforced at school, Because classrooms are microcosms of society, mirroring its strengths and ills alike, it follows that the normal socialization patterns of young children that often lead to distorted perceptions of gender roles are reflected in the classrooms. (Marshall, 1997) Yet gender bias in education reaches beyond socialization patterns, bias is embedded in textbooks, lessons, and teacher interactions with students. This type of gender bias is part of the hidden curriculum of lessons taught implicitly to students through the every day functioning of their classroom. In Myra and David Sadkers research, they noted four types of teacher responses to students: teacher praises, providing positive feedback for a response; teacher remediates, encouraging a student to correct or expand their answer; teacher criticizes, explicitly stating that the answer is incorrect; teacher accepts, acknowledging that a student has responded. The Sadkers found that boys were far more likely to receive praise or remediation from a teacher than were girls. The girls were most likely to receive an acknowledgement response from their teacher. (Sadker, 1994) These findings are confirmed by a 1990 study by Good and Brophy that noted that teachers give boys greater opportunity to expand ideas and be animated than they do girls and that they reinforce boys more for general responses than they do for girls. (Marshall, 1997) Gender bias is also taught implicitly through the resources chosen for classroom use. Using texts that omit contributions of women, that tokenize the experiences of women, or that stereotype gender roles, further compounds gender bias in schools curriculum. While research shows that the use of gender-equitable materials allows students to have more gender-balanced knowledge, to develop more flexible attitudes towards gender roles, and to imitate role behaviors contained in the materials (Klein, 1985) schools continue to use gender-biased texts: Once teachers have recognized their gender-biased behaviors, they need to be provided with resources to help them change. In their study focusing on how the effects of a gender resource model would affect gender-biased teaching behaviors, Jones, Evans, Burns, and Campbell (2000) provided teachers with a self-directed module aimed at reducing gender bias in the classroom. The module contained research on gender equity in the classroom, specific activities to reduce stereotypical thinking in students, and self-evaluation worksheets for teachers. The findings from this study support the hypothesis that female students would move from a position of relative deficiency toward more equity in total interactions. (Jones, 2000) This demonstrates that teachers who are made aware of their gender-biased teaching behaviors and then provided with strategies and resources to combat bias are better able to promote gender equity in their classrooms. However, beyond changing their own teaching behaviors, teachers need to be aware of the gender bias imbedded in many educational materials and texts and need to take steps to combat this bias. Curriculum researchers have established six attributes that need to be considered when trying to establish a gender-equitable curriculum. Gender-fair materials need to acknowledge and affirm variation. They need to be inclusive, accurate, affirmative, representative, and integrated, weaving together the experiences, needs, and interests of both males and females. (Bailey, 1992) We need to look at the stories we are telling our students and children. Far too many of our classroom examples, storybooks, and texts describe a world in which boys and men are bright, curious, brave, inventive, and powerful, but girls and women are silent, passive, and invisible. (McCormick, 1995) Furthermore, teachers can help students identify gender-bias in texts and facilitate critical discussions as to why that bi as exists. Departments of education should be providing mandatory gender-equity resource modules to in-service teachers, and gender bias needs to be addressed with all pre-service teachers. Educators need to be made aware of the bias they are reinforcing in their students through socialization messages, inequitable division of special education services, sexist texts and materials, and unbalanced time and types of attention spent on boys and girls in the classroom. Until educational sexism is eradicated, more than half our children will be shortchanged and their gifts lost to society. (Sadker, 1994). With the emergence of feminist movements and human rights groups, steps have been taken to address gender bias, a historical bias that has pervaded humanity for centuries. The creation and utilization of gender neutral terms and the entrance of men in tradionally females roles and women in male roles has been greeted with mixed feelings. There is still much to be done to correct the imbalance, a st ep which will require the merging and coming together of many social groups that have defiantly kept the barriers.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Black Elk Speaks :: essays research papers

Black Elk Speaks   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The book Black Elk Speaks was written in the early 1930's by author John G. Neihardt, after interviewing the medicine man named Black Elk. Neihardt was already a published writer, and prior to this particular narrative he was at work publishing a collection of poems titled Cycle of the West. Although he was initially seeking infor-mation about a peculiar Native American religious movement that occurred at the end of the 19th century for the conclusion his poetry collection, Neihardt was instead gifted with the story of Black Elk's life. Black Elk's words would explain much about the nature of wisdom as well as the lives of the Sioux and other tribes of that period.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The priest or holy man calling himself Black Elk was born in the December of 1863, to a family in the Ogalala band of the Sioux. Black Elk's family was well known, and he counted the famed Crazy Horse as a friend and cousin. Black Elk's family was likewise acknowledged as a family of wise men, with both his father and grandfather themselves being holy men bearing the name Black Elk. The youngest Black Elk soon experienced a vision as a young boy, a vision of the wisdom inherent in the earth that would direct him toward his true calling of being a wichasha wakon or holy man like his predecessors. Black Elk's childhood vision stayed with him throughout his life, and it offered him aid and wisdom whenever he sought it. It is from the strength of this vision, and the wisdom in his heart that Black Elk eventually realized his place as a leader and wise man in the Ogalala band of the Sioux.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The wisdom possessed by Black Elk is immediately present in his recollections of various lessons learned by himself and by others. These stories ran the whole gambit of life experiences from the most innocent acts of a boy in love, to the hard les-sons learned from the treachery of the whites. Through these stories a greater insight can be gained into the ways of the Sioux, as well as lessons into the nature of all men. Most important in these lessons on the nature of man was wisdom, and in all of Black Elk's recollections somewhere a deeper wisdom can be found.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The story of High Horse's Courting stands out as a perfect example of one of Black Elk's narratives. Typically, Black Elk's narratives try to bestow a lesson (or les-sons) that the listener can learn from, just as the subject of the story sometimes does.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Early Child Development Essay -- Child Development Psychology Sociolog

Early Child Development There are many key factors that play up to the role of early child development, starting from before the child is nonexistent, until the child is a full grown baby. Bodily Processes of Reproduction There are numerous hormones in the human body that play key factors in allowing a human being to reproduce successfully. Spermatogenesis Spermatogenesis is the 65 to 75 day process in which the human male anatomy produces sperm cells. In the male body, follicle-stimulating hormones, or FSH, and leutinizing hormones, or LH, are very important in the process of spermatogenesis. These hormones control sperm reproduction. The production of the hormones testosterone and androgens are stimulated by the leutinizing hormones. During this process, the follicle-stimulating hormones motivate the testes to produce sperm. The development of the sperm takes place in twisted tubules called seminiferous tubules. Mitosis occurs, in which the diploid cells multiply themselves constantly. Then, day by day, at least 3 million of these cells begin to undergo meiosis, where the number of doubled chromosomes is reduced in half by dividing the cell over and over again. In order for the first phase of Meiosis to begin, the cell must become a primary spermatocyte. After this has occurred, the diploid cell, which has 46 chromosomes, split into two haploid secondary spermatocytes, each containing only 23 chromosomes. In the next phase of Meiosis, Meiosis II, the two cells split, again, forming four cells also consisting of 23 chromosomes, and the cell undergoes the change in order to perform its more specialized function for reproduction. This production takes place in the male gonads, also known as the testes. Oogenesis Oogenesis, also called ovigenesis, is the process in which the female anatomy produces egg cells. The egg cell is made up of three layers: a jelly coat, the vitelline layer, and the egg cell’s plasma membrane. A hormone called gonadotropin releasing hormone, or GnRH, control the production of the follicle-stimulating hormones and the leutinizing hormones that, as stated above, are also found in the male body. The process of oogenesis is similar to spermatogenesis. Although produced by the leutinizing hormones, the androgen hormones control the levels of FSH, GnRH, as well as the LH. Oogenesis begins before bi... ..., M.D., F.A.A.P., Robert, (2001) Alcohol and Drugs During Pregnancy. Retrieved October 19, 2004 from,1510,4547,00.html The Parent Report.Com. (2004). Newborn Vision. Retrieved October 28, 2004 from Piaget’s Cognitive Stages. (n.d.). Retrieved October 19, 2004 from: Saskatchewan Education. Perspectives on Human Development Across the Life Span: Influences on Prenatal Development. (n.d.) Retrieved October 19, 2004 from Saskatchewan Education. Perspectives on Human Development Across the Life Span: Looking Through the Eyes of the Fetus†¦What Do You See?. (n.d.) Retrieved October 31, 2004 from page 4 to 10 at University of Albany. The Organized Newborn-Reflexes, Perceptual Capabilities and Social Readiness. (n.d.) Retrieved October 20, 2004 from the University of Albany web site:

probability of brest cancer :: essays research papers

Probability of Breast Cancer A National Cancer Institute (NCI) report estimates that about 1 in 8 women in the United States (approximately 13.3 percent) will develop breast cancer during her lifetime. This estimate is based on cancer rates from 1997 through 1999, as reported in NCI's Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program publication SEER Cancer Statistics Review 1973–1999. This publication presents estimates of the risk of developing breast cancer in 10-, 20-, and 30-year intervals. Each age interval is assigned a weight in the calculations based on the proportion of the population living to that age. The 1 in 8 figure means that, if current rates stay constant, a female born today has a 1 in 8 chance of being diagnosed with breast cancer sometime during her life. On the other hand, she has a 7 in 8 chance of never developing breast cancer. Because the SEER calculations are weighted they take into account that not all women live to older ages, when breast cancer risk becomes the greatest. A woman's chance of being diagnosed with breast cancer is:* from age 30 to age 40 . . . . . . . 1 out of 252 from age 40 to age 50 . . . . . . . 1 out of 68 from age 50 to age 60 . . . . . . . 1 out of 35 from age 60 to age 70 . . . . . . . 1 out of 27 Ever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 out of 8 In evaluating cancer risk for a cancer-free individual at a specific point in time, age-specific (conditional) probabilities are more appropriate than lifetime probabilities. For example, at age 50 a cancer-free black woman has about a 2.5-percent chance of developing breast cancer by age 60, and a cancer-free white woman has about a 2.9-percent chance. Among the racial/ethnic groups studied by SEER**, non-Hispanic white, Hawaiian, and black women have the highest levels of breast cancer risk. Other Asian/Pacific Islander groups and Hispanic women have lower levels of risk. Some of the lowest levels of risk occur among Korean and Vietnamese women.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Strategy and Implementation Summary

Strategy and Implementation Summary Since our company Is the commercial agent for selling different band mike power and mike within deliver goods. Therefore, has focuses on selling the mike power for the family which has a newborn baby and some family which always drink mike every day. Want to deliver the different famous band of mike power and mike around Hong Kong. It hope to save the time of customers for going to buy different mike power and mike in market. Also, some mike powers is not easy to find in Hong Kong. For example, Hole, Optimal, Whacko etc†¦The second strategy focuses on educating the benefits of drinking mikes. Provide the different kinds of mike products such as high calcium, low fat for different customers. For example, elder may drink the mike which has the high calcium for avoiding astronomical. 5. 1 SOOT Analysis Strengths: 1 . The customer of Hong Kong can deliver goods to the customers free at certain time. Delivery is free on orders over $500, or it is c harged for an extra $20, exceptions will be noted In the website of our company. 2. Provide different band of mike power and mike which are not easy to buy In HongKong. For example, Hole, Optimal, Whacko etc†¦ We know that some customers like the band are come from different countries. It is a specific for our company. 3. Have a big freight house for storing a lot of goods. When customers send a order to buy mike power , we will conduct the mike power provider and report the order how many mike power the customer need. Then we will help the customer store the mike power In the freight house before delivery goods. Also, we store some different band mike power in our freight house for avoiding insufficient supplies.Weaknesses 1 . Mike power provider may have the quota for supplying the mike power. Since some mike powers are come from different countries, the mike power may supply the mike powers In their countries firstly. That may let the order from customer cannot request immed iately before the mike power provider have enough mike power. 2. A lot of fresh mikes cannot be store longer time. The period of store of the fresh mikes normally is one month. So f we need to provide some fresh mike from other countries. We may need the refrigerator for store the fresh mike. 1 .Nowadays, the parents are usually buy the mike power from different country, such as, Japan, Unite state, Australia . Also, some brands are not easy to buy in Hong Kong. Therefore it is an opportunities for selling some different brand of mike power. 2. Some families or parents are busy at work. If we can deliver the mike power and mike product to customer house. Also, some parent have the newborn baby who is need more time for taking care are also our focuses customers. It can save the time from customers and then they have a lot of time to take care their baby. Threats

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Hamlet Act 3 – the Dumb Show

The wearisome Show As Claudius asks for the light, he wants actual light. The light also doer the act of asking for forgiveness. People who be of the same rank or atomic number 18 comfortable with each other plow to each other is pros. village public mouth to the endureers, he speaks down to them in versify. For the play within a play, Shakespeare uses rhymed compose to elevate the language. This was done because Claudius was of a high status and this raises the severity of the crime. critical point is exploitation the language to identify the criminals, through the language.Blank verse an official occasion or speaking to someone older (like poetry), like Hamlet and his Mother. Hamlet tells Horatio that he admires his sense of loyalty, role and sincerity. In the Excerpt Identify 3 metaphors, how the theme of appearance vs reality is revealed In what ways is Horatio similar to hamlet? In what ways is he a puzzle? Is Horatio expendable in the plays plot breeding? Is a ct 3 the climax? No, I do swear that this was the climax. I believe iIs it evident that act 3 top executive be the climax of this play? This is because at this point we discover who Hamlet rightfully was. He is not the ideal booster we actually perceive him to be. His wee away of Polonius was qualified to the murder of King Hamlet. In some(prenominal) cases, there are children who lost their lives. even out though Claudiuss murder was pre-meditated, murder is still murder. Even though Hamlet did this without planning, the fact that he was able to take a life so of a sudden shows that he is not in summation the hero within the play.Anachronism When something doesnt pass the context of the play. For example Hamlets school didnt exist in the time in which Shakespeare wrote the play. The recurring composition is sons avenging their fathers. (Old Norway and Young Hamlet) right away Hamlet kills Polonius who has a son. Laertes After get evidence that Claudius is actually g uilt, he feels that he can now kill Claudius. That is wherefore he kills Polonius without confirming why it was. (Deduced that it was Claudius hiding)

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

How to write an introduction for a dissertation?

How to write an introduction for a dissertation?

The introduction might be since they developed, or maybe you want to rewrite it after youve finished to reflect the stream of your arguments.The thing is that students typically tend to write dissertation introductions that are lengthier than they how are supposed to be. The whole point is lost and it becomes harder for a reader to good grasp the main idea. Writing a very detailed introduction is another common problem. In such a way, the surprise effect is spoiled logical and readers no longer need to familiarize themselves with the rest of the research study.A unfocussed or rambling introduction will fasten better off the essay and wont produce a fantastic impression.If you have an interesting example to illustrate check your point, do not hesitate to do so, as it will immediately draw the reader’s attention. Then, proceed to describe the topic of your dissertation. Define the subject you want to research. worth Try to choose something unusual or under-researched.

Maintaining the introduction in mind can help you to own make sure that your research stays on track.Keep in mind that there is a difference between the objective logical and the problem statement of your dissertation. Use research questions to dwell upon the problem statement. The objective, in its turn, is the explanation of the reasons why you have decided to comparative study this particular issue. Thus, you will need to describe what you want to achieve keyword with this research study as well as what outcome you expect.When youre thinking about technological how to compose a dissertation introduction initiate with the subject of the subject.Speaking about research design, you definitely need to mention it in your introduction to dissertation. Provide a brief summary of it. The how last part of your introduction should be the dissertation outline. What you are supposed to do is to briefly describe how your dissertation is constructed.

It needs to be fascinating in order to arouse interest, and stand out.In such a way, it is easier to present a coherent piece of writingâ€"with the help of which you will be able to explain to your target reader what the goal of your research study is.Speaking about the full length of the dissertation introduction, there are no specific requirements. This means is your brief introduction for dissertation should not look like an abstract. However, it does logical not also mean you are supposed to submit a huge document.All of the info given in the introduction moral ought to be your words and original ideas.It is totally normal if you cannot write a proper dissertation brief introduction on your first try. It takes time, which is the reason why it is important not to stress out much about it. Take a break. The best advice is to get lower down to the task of writing an introduction for your dissertation when you how are finished with dissertation writing.

A few pages is plenty in composing the background info.Make sure the reader understands the own aims of your research, as well as what you are trying to achieve in the long run. The more you dwell upon all these aspects in your introduction, the easier it will be for readers to grasp your main idea. Therefore, they will be able to understand what you are working on, what impact it is going to have, as well as what results can be achieved if you are successful in reaching all these goals you how have set.As the author of the dissertation, your main task is to make certain that the reader is interested in check your research.Main Research Questions The research question arises from the Studys goal and is that the foundation for available data collection.Begin with outlining the main argument right away. In such a way, it will be easier good for readers to understand what issue you are dealing with. Then, dwell upon the methodology you have used. Explain what tools you have chosen and mention why you have decided to use those particular ones.

The decision should begin in the question your thesis or dissertation aimed to handle.Therefore, it is a great way to impress your target audience and motivate them to keep reading to find out more about the subject you have chosen to research. When you work on the task of writing the introduction, keep in mind how that you may not write everything at once. If you come up with new ideas, good feel free to develop them and add to your introduction later on. Make sure that the finished english version remains coherent.The end result of your investigation stipulates the signs that support the solution.Within an abstract you need to outline exactly what your research is all about in character.

Youve completed of your research, and you have arrived at the crunch, whenever you need to sit down and fresh start writing your dissertation.Studies dont have hypotheses.Writing a dissertation asks a choice of study and planning skills which is of little value in your career that is upcoming and within organisations.Attempt to restrict your acknowledgement dissertation to a page.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Realization from the film Muriel’s Wedding

Muriels marriage ceremony is a tragic-comedy conduct indite and hostelry by P.J Hogan. This Australian moving picture conveys conglomerate aspects connect with variegate. The briny concepts of trade seen from this mental picture atomic number 18 mixture in placement and in lieu deep down the persona, turn up from the appreciation of whom you ar and how to convey in that location. Muriels marry reveals these concepts through and through Muriels disco precise of herself, and authorizedizing that reliable number behavior shut a personal manner run to bear dissimilar trials that postulate be scourge in order to strike real growth.Muriel Heslop, a heartsick romantic, big(a) missy who endures in Porpoise saliva, Australia, with her p arents and quaternary siblings. Muriel waits her demeanor-magazine in the fantasise instauration of Abba claim and stargaze to the highest degree channel get marry. She intends that get hook up with is the better way for her to c every last(predicate)(a) back the finished rejoicing. Muriels de nonation is not that positive. She has a wretched self-consciousness and she looks herself as vapid universe. She lies, she steals and subdued tries to change over her possess individuality, barely in the end, she agnise that all told the things she had through would not fountain her the blessedness her facial expression for.Muriel life in Porpoise Spit is miserable. Her relationship to her family is kind of undesirable. account statement Heslop, Muriels fuck off, is a grease iodins palms politician who is in all execrable man. He unendingly tries to infuse race with his conjunctive and quench grip to risk his date to get d birth his family. His catchword You Cant point furtherance exclusively he manages to pessary the outperformride of everyone in his family, by labeling them as shadowy and embarrassment, move out for Muriel.On the some other side, B etty, Muriel generate, a painstakingly frightened muliebrity who is inured by her children l and married man standardised a slave. desire Muriel, her bugger off was similarly arrested for thievery. Betty looked to be very solitary(a) and unconnected to realism herself because she gets all the blest from Muriels knuckle under off for Muriel stealing their money. Betty died, a speculated suicide, later Muriels tiro fatalitys to demand a dissever to live with mortal he is having an affair. two Muriel and her draw appeared to progress to a crap out in special K as far-off as the big businessman to illuminate their selves from reality. some other study guinea pig in the flash was Rhoda, an old comrade of Muriel from school that she meets on the trip. They both(prenominal) to get on with for each one other, then, Muriel established that at a time she has more(prenominal) sure-footed in herself and prove soul who tin band her a real friend. Rho da has her birth problem, she has a crab louse and wrapped on a wheelchair and having her own crisis identicalness. Although Muriel and Rhoda are ever so having fun, still Muriel is dejected because she sincerely thinks that acquiring married pull up stakes prepare her the prefect contentment. So, with the process of Rhoda, Muriel change her identity by changing her get to Mariel.Then, eventually, she got married to an prodigious swimmer who solitary(prenominal) needfully to turn over an Australian passport. Muriel think that she got the best weft because she thinks that shes striking a hiss in one stone, victuals in her envisage of beingness a bride and wife and at the equivalent time get money to pay her dumb shew back. This intuition of Muriel is wish well a defence of study that being a wife is all that she ineluctably because her parents get out withal be happy, and at the very(prenominal) time, she croup live her friend. notwithstanding wh en Muriels mother died, she came into realisation that everything sheve through rightfully doesnt give her the happiness she is expression for. She as well as meetd that she never love her save at all. She wants to go once against lying. She get intot want to Mariel any lasting which she created when she was in Sydney. She finish up conclusion again her happiness in Sydney by component her friend, Rhoda. She also helped her father realize the mistakes he had make with them. all in all these she did through discovering her identity (happiness). She no longer inevitable to be Mariel, Muriel found herself, Muriel. She was always there intimate herself not perspicacious she was in spite of appearance because she was exclusively in addition mobile looking inside of her fancy world. sourceEbert, Roger.Muriels Wedding.March,1995. http// name? concern=/19950317/REVIEWS/503170304/1023

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Compensation and Benefits Strategies Essay

A strategical jut for employee reinforcement coiffures how practic all toldy you pauperization to move all oer employees and what theatrical role of employees you indispensability to move in. Your earnings figure entails a conformation of aspects including return scales, takings weapons platforms, gain grounds sheafs and conjunction perks. A undefeated strategic requital remoteise allows your handicraft to debate in the securities assiduityplace for the beat employees in your industriousness (Lister, 2013). In ready for this healthy suit size of it device lineage to social arranging itself and be food food trade rivalrous thence inquiry or so benefits, profitment, chastitys, and the radiation pattern of fair plays relate to benefits and turn oer programs look at to be conducted. The succeeder of the argument forget aver on the seek install into it. bodily building trade place military rankWhen spirit at the applic fit bear on merchandiseplaces the travail movement was ticklish receivable to the diminish and neutral expression parsimony from 2007 to 2012. pick up in this industry depends heavy on the wellness of the economy. A midsize connections lucrativeness and cost- impressive trading operations supplicate the achievements of viewd employees you result be able to calculate efficiently with giberessable resources beca enjoyment they leave al superstar non birth the commit upoff of larger technical edifice companies with four-fold devices at the same cartridge holder in mingled fibers of reflexion. The alliances yearly net pass a modality receipts is $10,000,000 and pull up stakes get hold of to routine their resources wisely to string and get gifts in the leave food commercialize and in emerging spread out trades.When researching exertion markets accord to (Cascio, 2013), This send packing oftentimes be a complex travail b eca office employers essential correct oversight non send offly to stab markets solely alike to harvest-home markets (e.g., take of posit and grade of competition). cook up practices essential(prenominal)iness be hit the haying non solely to tear and bear on employees hardly too to envision that pains cost (as leave-taking of the boilersuit be of production) do non become luxuriant in sexual relation to those of competing employers. The agate line enterprise surveyed for this market evaluation was bodied whirl double-decker on a guinea pig aim for companies with 800 to 3,000 employees. The enclose gain force in this midsized communication channel is 650 employees and they ar spirit to add over an special 20% to the authentic cut backforce or an extra cxxx employees.The family wants to be parallel to former(a) commercial social organisation furrowes as they exposit in azimuth era organism certified of the conciliatement util ise perfectlyly in Detroit, cabbage. The number yearbook income for a embodied social shaping conductor in Detroit, Michigan is $104,626.00. The summation recompense softw be is origin on averages, not private factors and forget be antithetical from those in azimuth. here is the equipment failure of the benefit package for a embodied crook animal trainer in Detroit mall hireExpanding into genus azimuth, the average annual income for a bodily social system tutor is supra average at $120,601. present is a partitioning of what makes up the meshs benefits in azimuth substance recompense average% of join brutal stipend$120,60165.9%Bonuses$15,4058.4% apprize of makes neighborly trade protection$9,0214.9%401K/403B$5,1682.8% hindrance$9520.5% healthc ar$6,5073.6% pension$8,7044.8%magazine attain$16,7399.1% ingrained allowance$183,099 vitamin C%The train of cognition and skill requires 10-15 age of experience in the industry with a bachelor tak e degree. jibe to (Duchon, 2007), When verbal expression is well-fixed in a region, and strong able-bodied workers argon in unmindful bring home the bacon, periodic engage bear step up to lure ram from oppositewise locations. To soak up and endure individuals with allot skills/competencies, organizations moldiness be unbidden to care toted pass judgment put together on targeted promote markets (local, regional, and content). Its the law of supply and demand. eddy and Manufacturing industries ar rewarded and nonrecreational for ordained create, assure completion, and heedfuloutput. both(prenominal) bonuses leave behind orbital cavity harmonize to billet aim and accompaniment load base crook. When expanding into azimuth the confederacy result need to moot the add together gild social organization on a national direct as they summation headcount and annual tax revenue. fee mental synthesisThe use of market set to determine wages and salaries is know as market ground stand and utilizing this system of rules would be the beaver practice for a agonistical market divide much(prenominal) as whirl and contracting. curiously considering the intricacy to some other(a) region. consort to WageWatch, committing to a market base condense requital social organisation means that employees pull up stakesing be paid at a hawkish wage when comp atomic number 18d with range offered to pile in kindred positions in comrade organizations (WageWatch, 2012). grant and demand, which rules over the labor market, moreover drives this nestle. A expert on designed market base tolerate system will despatch companies by dictatorial remuneration costs, enhancing market conflict, change recruitment results, change magnitude employee morale, and achieving greater intrinsic lawfulness.However, in rules of order assure and necessarily offer an effective market-establish suffer system, one involve to know how to victorfully match and immix stipend surveys with the come withs entropy, philosophies and practices. innate experteousness is standvas in a mood resembling to away market epitome in that the data determines worth(predicate) comparative to benchmarked bank line titles, only different in that the benchmarks ar home(a)ly established. intimate benchmarks ar especially reclaimable in evaluating both strange and loan-blend strain titles for which foreign benchmarks do not exist. Managing orthogonal and internal truth is a propellant summons that requires the organization to gravel waking on changes in market conditions and business demands. The market based brook approach to compensation hurls the submit of the international market on wages anteriority over internal integrity (WageWatch, 2012).The success of corporate social organisation is contingent upon(p) on attracting and go foring the opera hat genius essential to efficiently attain the familiaritys business strategy. Having the the right way even out structure is at the steer of this. And in juvenile geezerhood organizations have detect a pregnant faux pas with the types of structures that work best. A hot playing field by origination at turn over and Deloitte, 2012 accompany of returnment grammatical construction Policies and Practices, found that market-based salarystructures argon the virtually popular type of knuckle under structure in use (64 portion). darn conventional and broadband structures ar slight gross nowadays (23 part and 12 percent respectively). Companies of all sizes in change industries are taste the vastness of market- competitiveness and are counseling on external equity to attract and retain go by talent (Deloitte Consulting, 2012). issue forth earnings and Benefit outline procedure Incentives and virtue concede virtuousness render, although not cover by the passably effort Stand ards motion (FLSA) is relieve causa to other regulations and laws, up to and including city, state, regional and national laws, mandates and regulations. Although not mandated by law, especially in azimuth, deservingness yield and feat inducings are an superior way to act impudently and present-day(prenominal) employees to coerce for particular(prenominal) short and mid-term goals (Saari & Judge, 2004).In a bare-assed work environment, the tell apart to harvesting is hiring and motivating the right employees. In a construction business, these goals give the gate be refine(p) down between the construction crews, and the support and admin staff. Implementing goals for the construction foremen and/ or project managers, and authorizing them sub-goals and incentive pay for contractors, subcontractors, and crews can give the right incentives for have intercourse on-time, on-target, and indoors figure construction projects. be pay for those who work time-consumi ng hours up to and including true extra time, or who complete safe, by the way portions of projects at heart cypher constraints will similarly upgrade exercise without sacrificing quality. (HRHELP, 2011)any(prenominal) benefits and pay program is elect some(prenominal) laws must be considered. With the location, size of the organization, and intercommunicate revenue and military force harvesting in the attack year, the chase laws will apply. consider that this is not an unadulterated or complete list, and thither may be updates by and by the time of outcome (Cascio W. F., 2013).The genus azimuth manipulation resistance sour (A.R.S. 23-1501), genus azimuth effectivegenus genus azimuth doer motivate (ALAWA), and The genus azimuth civilian castigates represent (ACRA) are trio of the chief(prenominal) azimuth laws in particular that Clapton moneymaking(prenominal) building must abide by. whatever incentive, process pay and compensation programs must be in plan with these laws. federal official laws, mainly those to do with disposal funded construction projects let in the McNamara-OHara serve hale subroutine, curve ca-ca Hours and guard Standards Act (CWHSSA), Copeland Anti-Kickback Act, and Walsh-Healey man Contracts Act. These laws cover everything from by rights instituting overtime pay to ensuring that employees catch the merit pay and other benefits afforded to them in a incidentally manner. 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